Features and Fabrics


Arch Support System

Our Arch Support System helps stabilize your foot by locking your heel in place and by providing additional support for your arch. Keeping your foot in the proper position will help you ski with more control and precision.


Merino Wool

In winter sports, keeping your socks dry can be a challenge. Merino wool keeps your feet dry and comfortable in ski/snowboard boots.


Athlete Model

Racers and expert skiers require precision, starting with their feet. We produce socks that have an exquisite balance of material and thickness. In addition, our Spider Arch Support System helps stabilize your foot by locking your heel in place, providing additional support for your arch and maintaining a proper position in your boots.


Freeride Model

Freeride and backcountry skiers need support in their heels and toes while skiing. They also need warmth and comfort inside their boots. The Freeride Model has extra padding on the shin, top of the foot, heel, and toe. These socks are also ideal for hiking in various terrains or to the summit.




All of our ski socks provide warmth, breathability, sweat absorption, moisture wicking and arch support. In particular, our 2 toe socks gives your big toe the freedom to apply more direct pressure to the inside of your ski edge. This will help with turn initiation giving you more feel and precision. Our arch support system helps stabilize your knee and reduces fatigue.


Winter Activities

All of our Snow socks are a great fit for activities 

that require stable footing, warmth and sweat management, such as snow running, snow shoeing, and snow trekking.